It’s that time of the year again ! Where almost every movie you watch makes you want to be around your perfect , fun family never mind the reality that Christmas isn’t always the happy , cheerful holiday it’s meant to be . It takes growing up and seeing life , relations , family what they are to realise that your family coming together for a cheerful holiday doesn’t always equal to the holiday being cheerful .
Particularly for those who don’t have great relationships with their family , those whose lifestyles aren’t acceptable to their family , or those who don’t even have their family around . Holiday blues are a thing and if you ask me they aren’t talked about enough !
2020 has been a tough year , especially with people being away from their family , with the restrictions being eased off in certain countries / states it also comes with the high ticket prices which means most people won’t be around their family this year . While I’m lucky to have my immediate family based here in Australia , I also had plans to visit my home country Zimbabwe this year not only was that ruined my Covid-19 , I have also lost a tremendous amount of family members this year that going back home to an extended graveyard just wouldn’t have been how I was to spend my Christmas .
Family isn’t the only thing that can trigger “ holiday blues “ finances , loneliness , a recent break up , weight gain or loss , health problems , recovery the list is endless . That’s why being self aware is important knowing and understanding your potential triggers around your family will help you to know how to handle them .
Sis, Here Are Three Ways Of Managing The Holiday Blues:
- Reinforce boundaries – while it can be extremely hard to do so it’s important to know your boundaries and to be assertive about them even in smaller quieter ways like only staying around your family for a few days or only helping where you can .
- Finances – somehow we have roped into thinking that Christmas is all about spending your money on presents and that’s the only way to show that you love your family . How untrue that is . Please do not go broke trying to please people it’s a gift let it be meaningful but don’t let it make you become broke over 1 day.
- Loneliness – Being single , away from family can be the worst around this time but it also doesn’t have to . Truth is there are people who are in the giving mood and would gladly have an extra table to share their holiday cheer with make sure you reach out to people . See what others are doing you might just be surprised . There is also nothing wrong with being alone in this season if that’s what you want that , fill up your day with some fun activities that you can do by yourself .
It’s truly the season to be merry , to be grateful and even when our list of “things to be cheerful “ can feel short we can still try to create our own versions and be okay with that . Create your own happy this season ! I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to come ( fingers crossed the angel who was on shift for 2020 clocks off ).
If you need to talk to someone during the festive season check out a few resources below:
Beyond Blue Call 1300 22 4636, 24 hours / 7 days a week.
Life Line 13 11 14 24 hours / 7 days a week.
1800 RESPECT (Sexual Assault and DV/Family Violence) 24 hours / 7 days a week.